
1. Introduction to Databases


#Blog 1#

Hello Friends, I am Ranjana. This is my first blog on hashnode, which is about the databases, one of the important area in the Computer Science.

A database is a collection of data. It can be structured (RDBMS) or an unstructured collection (NoSQL). The software that manages database along with it's resources like memory, security of database is Database Management System (DBMS).Generally, the database along with the software is called DBMS.

The advantages of using databases-

  • easy to access compared to files.

  • secured way to store data in which permissions can be defined for the accessibility of database for various users.

  • easy to update and manipulate data incase of any modifications.

  • multiple users can access the database simultaneously in contrast to files which cannot be accessed by multiple users at a time.

Types of Databases:

There are many types of databases. A specific type of database is chosen based on the requirements of organization.

1.Relational Database (RDBMS)- the data is structured in the form of tables, including rows and columns.

2.OLTP databases-analytical database, used incase of speedy transactions involving multiple users accessing the database at time. Used in Banks, Air ticket reservations and other areas.

3.Object Oriented Database-this follows the object oriented principles like class, object etc.

4.Distributed databases- the database or the data files is stored in many systems rather than on one system. The computer systems can be near or far away from one another.

5.NoSQL databases- The data is unstructured. Recently emerged technology.

There are still many types of databases other than those mentioned. There are many emerging technologies in the area of databases like cloud databases.

Structured Query Language (SQL)-

SQL is used to query database. Creating relations, inserting tuples into the relations, altering relation, deleting tuples and many more functionalities can be implemented using SQL. It is generally used to query Relational Databases.

Nowadays , with the development of internet , NoSQL (Not only SQL) technology is used . They don't contain the data organized as tables and they are also used to store vast amount of data the companies and various business organizations are generating. Some of the NoSQL databases are MongoDB, Cassandra.

The knowledge of databases is very useful nowadays and is applicable in various interesting areas like Database Administration, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Software Engineering and others.

Thank you friends for reading.